The artist Faig Ahmed, a native to Baku in Azarbaijan, is a talented carpet weaver, and expresses his talent by reinventing carpets through distortions, cuts and swollen parts. His rugs become three-dimensional, much the architecture of a mosque’s minaret, spiars reaching toward the sky, or spread across the pavement like multi-coloured waves, or even a mutation of a small, traditional design that transforms into a magma of colours. Sometimes Faig contaminates elaborate designs with geometric quadrants in the same shades, others he stretches the design into irregular bends. The desired, obstinate imperfection becomes an instrument through which an archaic domestic accessory becomes an original and modern artistic expression.

Per Faig Ahmed (nato a Baku nel 1982, dove vive e lavora) sperimentare è un aspetto fondamentale del processo creativo.
Rompere con la tradizione significa anche trovare una connessione tra i pattern del suo paese e quelli provenienti da differenti aree geografiche del mondo: Perù, Cina, Iran, Caucaso.
Nei tappeti, l’elemento da distorcere viene isolato e attraverso il disegno realizzato al computer acquisisce un connotato tridimensionale
Attraverso la manipolazione digitale si introduce l’elemento tridimensionale che proviene dalla formazione dell’artista in scultura alla Azerbaidjan State Academy of Fine Arts.
L’ironia è il fil rouge di una mostra sapientemente tessuta.
Per creare le sue opere, incerte tra arazzi e sculture, Faig Ahmed ha pensato di stravolgere e destrutturare i tipici motivi ornamentali dei tappeti azeri

WHERE: Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design / Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA

The artist Faig Ahmed, a native to Baku in Azarbaijan, is a talented carpet weaver, and expresses his talent by reinventing carpets through distortions, cuts and swollen parts. His rugs become three-dimensional, much the architecture of a mosque’s minaret, spiars reaching toward the sky, or spread across the pavement like multi-coloured waves, or even a mutation of a small, traditional design that transforms into a magma of colours. Sometimes Faig contaminates elaborate designs with geometric quadrants in the same shades, others he stretches the design into irregular bends. The desired, obstinate imperfection becomes an instrument through which an archaic domestic accessory becomes an original and modern artistic expression.


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The Moodboarders is a glance into the design world, which, in all of its facets, captures the extraordinary even within the routine. It is a measure of the times. It is an antenna sensitive enough to pick-up on budding trends, emerging talents and neglected aesthetics. Instead of essays, we use brief tales to tune into the rhythm of our world. We travelled for a year without stopping, and seeing as the memory of this journey has not faded, we have chosen to edit a printed copy. We eliminated anything episodic, ephemeral or fading, maintaining a variety of articles that flow, without losing the element of surprise, the events caught taking place, and the creations having just bloomed.